Wednesday 8 August 2007

Habonim camp

From 16 onwards I discovered Habonim camp. This was even better than GG, as it was 3 weeks away in the Summer at the seaside. I attended the boring weekly meetings back home purely for this opportunity, and once again Ma was very happy to pack my suitcase. The first year I went was quite a shock to me. Every evening after supper we used to sit round the camp fire (much like in GG) singing Hebrew songs (not like GG at all). Within days after setting up camp and settling in, couples started pairing off, like bees and honey! Being so busy all day with various activities, they didn't often get much privacy. But as soon as that fire was lit and the flames danced in the night sky, they were 'at it'. I had not only come from a tiny 'dorp', (African town/village) but had never had a boy even glance at me 'like that' - let alone do to me what these boys were doing to them. I always felt so sad sitting there alone, trying not to watch them, feeling that this would probably never ever happen to me!