Saturday 26 January 2008

Wrong colour, wrong country


In South Africa during the Apartheid years, I saw many unjust and barbaric acts.
One sticks in my mind very clearly, maybe because I was only about 8 years old.
We had the gardener/general helper living behind our house in a room (as they did in those days) and his wife arrived one night to say she was in labour.
He called Ma and I went with her and watched this brave woman giving birth (squatting on a cement floor and catching her baby as it dropped out), with Ma cutting the cord and helping her.
Then Ma rang the ambulance service to fetch her and take her to hospital.
They refused, saying that she was not 'registered' to be on our property, as she wasn't our servant, and also that they'd ring the police to remove her as she was illegally visiting.
This poor woman was fetched by a friend in the dead of night and taken away ( heaven knows to where). We never saw them again.
I think my hatred for this inhumane treatment of another human being was born that night, resulting in me emmigrating to England 30 years later to escape the tyranny.