Wednesday 11 July 2007

First day at school

Ian went to 'big' school only a year after me, as we are 17 months apart in age. His teacher in Grade One was Mrs Skoen. She had been teaching Grade One for 27 years and had a severe black bun, severe black rimmed glasses and was as stout as she was tall(or short). She bent over the desk to write something in someone's book, and he kicked her in the ass. Now to really appreciate this story, you have to understand that Ian would never hurt a fly, let alone kick a teacher. He was passive, shy, quiet, introverted, sort of a 'scared of his own shadow' little boy. What possessed him to attack her so vehemently, we'll never know, but he did. I am not sure whether my parents were called in to remove this pest, or not, but we loved giggling about this episode afterwards and he obviously felt very proud of this remarkably brave deed.