Friday 20 July 2007

Super Sis to the rescue

After we moved into our slightly bigger, but not much better house(see 'Meet the neighbours'), we had a small coal stove in the corner of the kitchen where we used to huddle at night, and it was very cosy. This stove had a little door in the front which was opened with a steel hook- like object. The new coal was piled in, it was firmly shut and left to burn. One evening, before my parents had arrived home from work, and Miriam was looking after us, Ian decided to investigate and managed to open the thing and peer in. One of the coals leapt out and landed on his pyjama shirt and he started to burn through to his skin. He was screaming, and she was shouting even louder, so I grabbed him (I was only about 6 myself), dragged the shirt off him and pushed him outside to get him away and push him on the ground. I didn't actually wrap him in a carpet, but this looks far more heroic than what I did. Also, Ian looks like a little trapped worm. Think I better change my illustrator!