Tuesday 31 July 2007

A girl's best friend

Peter Visser was Ian's best friend from school. He was an odd-looking, very round little boy who always appeared at our house to 'play' with Ian (so he must have lived nearby). Ian hated him, and didn't want to see him. The problem was that he actually wanted to be MY 'friend' and wanted to do what I was doing, e.g. knitting, baking or playing with dolls. Yes, he was definitely an ideal girl's friend, and I really didn't mind him. This drove Ian scatty. He used to run off to play with his matchbox or corgi cars, while we got on with our own fun stuff. Wonder where he is now, probably famous in haute couture, or haute cuisine, or maybe just a grubby little hairdresser in the back streets of Joburg Wherever you are, 'Hi Peter'.