Saturday 14 July 2007

My 'walkie - talkie' doll

My first doll with moving parts. She was solid and firm and chunky and as tall as me. I was about 8 and it was love at first sight. She was dressed in something blue and frilly, had blonde synthetic hair which shone in the sunlight and a large blue ribbon, In those days, you couldn't dress these dolls, or comb their hair, but who cared? She had arms that could move up and down stiffly- when made to do so, and legs that would walk a step at a time when made to do so. I was in heaven, pure doll's heaven. I took her on to the 'stoep', held her one hand and proceeded to make her walk along with me just as a best friend would. Suddenly, without warning, she toppled over and crashed down the two concrete steps. There she lay, on her side, with her head smashed in and lying in two bits. Her beautiful blonde har was stained by the black' stoep' polish that was applied every day to make it's surface gleam, and her face was just not her face any longer. I howled for ages till Dad picked up all the bits, put me in the car and took me and her off to the 'doll's hospital'. This was an elderly Afrikaans 'oom' who used to mend kid's toys, for a cheap fee. She stayed the night, and I didn't sleep a wink. When we went back to fetch her the next day, she had a huge glued 'crack' from the back of her head right over to the chin in the front, her hair was matted and grimey and her dress was creased and filthy. I was devastated. I can remember it as I write this. She was not the same doll I had been given for my birthday just the day before, and I didn't even like her anymore, god help me, let alone love her. My dreams were shattered along with her head.