Friday 20 July 2007

Report time

I never excelled at school and 'report day' was torture for me. I knew before she even opened the sealed envelope (wonder why Dad never did it), that I was 'in for it'. The worst thing, besides the low marks (never failing, just low) was the fact that every teacher seemed to find me too chatty, too loud, too chatty, too chatty! Nowadays I would be labelled as ADHD or whatever the latest term for 'hyperactivity' is. I was restless, fidgety, bored with my lessons, and wanted to be free. I remember looking out of the window most of the time (when I wasn't chatting) and wishing I could just leave that dreary room and that even drearier teacher behind and flee. The comment I always got was 'you can do better'. I did succeed after school in all my studies, but by then I didn't need or want her praise. I have always said 'Well done, I am proud of you' not only to my own sons, but also to the hundreds of kids that I have taught in the past 39 years of teaching.